The Pink Book and HHSRS Operating Guidance, two key resources for landlords

Going further than The Pink Book

If you’ve set up a Furnished Holiday Let (FHL), or are thinking about it, you’ll have undoubtedly been referred to the Pink Book.  Put together by Visit England and sponsored by PASC (The Professional Association of Self-Caterers), the Pink Book is commonly known as the bible amongst FHL landlords.  It gives clear and practical advice and guidance about the legislation that affects tourist accommodation including licenses, health and safety, tax and employment, and is regularly updated.

But having scoured the pages of the Pink Book, there is one area notably lacking, Health and Safety within the home.

A holiday maker, whilst perhaps not aware of potential hazards, or risks, would assume that they are safe in a holiday home, and so to that end, landlords do have a responsibility ensure safety.

Using HHSRS (the Housing Health and Safety Ratings System), it is possible to risk assess a property in regard of hazards identified, and every property is different, considering the age, location, size, layout, electrical system, heating etc etc.  A character property might have low windows on the first floor, and fully openable casements.  It would be easy for a child to climb onto the sill and fall out.  Following the identification of a hazard, you can then easily mitigate risks, in this instance, an opening restrictor (to no more than 10cm), to prevent falls from the window, you could also ensure the glass is toughened, or install a guard railing. As every property is different, mitigation varies, and it’s why there is no definitive prescriptive guide, or blanket cover all approach. 

HHSRS is applicable to “dwellings”, properties that are intended to be someone’s main or only abode, and therefore is not currently used to regulate holiday lets.  We at Safe Stays, believe the principles of creating an environment for a safe holiday are the same, and landlords of any accommodation have a responsibility to ensure properties are safe whether for short- or long-term tenants.

We absolutely commend the initiative in developing the Pink Book. It’s an invaluable resource to owners of short term lets.  But the Pink Book has been designed to give an overview, a whistle stop tour of responsibilities with more specificity on Fire Safety.  Safe Stays hopes to help better it, helping landlords to identify hazards in their properties, take steps to minimise the risks and ensure consumers have great, safe, holidays.

We’re both fully trained and competent to assess properties using HHSRS, with many years of experience, and as part of your membership with Safe Stays, we’ll undertake a full online inspection of your property to help identify any hazards and put together a bespoke improvement plan designed to minimise the risks associated with your particular property.

Low cost, proportionate, fair and tailored advice and an endless resource.  It’s that simple, for your peace of mind, and for your customers safety. 

Sign up today to get started with us.

Rose Woods